Modern Conversational IVRs with Dialogflow Whitepaper

I have been researching the use of modern voice-based bot platforms - i.e. voicebots - for use in conversational IVR applications over at my blog.  I also covered this application and the gateway needed too connected VoIP systems to bot platforms in the KGR AI in RTC report. Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) vendor Voximplant was the first vendor with a clould gateway for Dialogflow. They hired me to write a whitepaper on this topic.

The paper covers:

  • The benefits of voice bots vs. traditional IVR technologies
  • Why use Dialogflow specifically with a voicebot IVR?
  • How to connect Dialogflow to phone calls?
  • Review of Voximplant's Dialogflow Connector

You can download the whitepaper from Voximplant's site: